Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Vagaries of the weather

So much has happened in the last few days! On Saturday, I packed up my bags and moved from Jules & Guy’s at Islington and am now staying with Alison at Farringdon. Moving your things on the tube isn’t a fun experience even with two helpers!

Saturday afternoon was spent in the pub at Covent Garden to watch the football with Alison and some of her friends - I’m not really sure who played but it was fun all the same. The photo below are the girls and I on the night.

I was up bright and early on Sunday to visit Kew Gardens with Jules and Guy. I had been before and absolutely loved it and was keen to see it again. However, after enjoying a week of beautiful weather it had cooled right off and we were all unequipped for the cold (Birkenstocks do not make for adequate foot wear in cold weather!) and after 5 minutes decided that it was too cold to spend the day walking around gardens. So it was off to Dim Sum in China Town which was lovely and warm.

Monday rolled around and it was the day of the job interview. When I got out of the Tube I got snowed on! Hard to believe when earlier this week I was wearing thongs and a t-shirt! The interview went well and I got the job – I start on Wednesday.

I’m still on the hunt for somewhere to live. I’d finally found a place on Saturday that I was happy with but unfortunately it went to someone else. I looked at two more last night but still no luck!

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